Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Prepping my daugther for the important part of college, classes

Prepping my daugther for the important part of college, classes

Guest post written by Elaine Horton

One of the things that I'm most worried about for my daughter with her going into college, is her being organized to take on all of her classes. She's always been a little jumbled up when it comes to handling all of her responsibilities, so I wanted to make sure that she's as prepared as possible. I've been looking up a whole lot of stuff on school supplies, her schedule, books and everything because I think that she is so nervous about starting college right now that it would be good to take care of this for her just for the beginning of this semester.

I was doing some online comparison shopping to try and get the best deals on them, I ran across the website Clearwirelessinternetservice.com and after I looked through it some, I showed it to my husband and after that we decided to change over our home internet access to it.

The big part that I did some comparison shopping on were her college textbooks. Those things can be so expensive! It's kind of crazy how much money people make off of them, but I found her some good deals.

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